Week 6

During week 6, we created a matrix to determine which bridges we would be doing extended research on. To do so, we decided on which aspects of the historical bridges were most important to the structure and function of a bridge.  Some of which are shown in figure 1.  These included attributes of the bridges and calculated values that were all transformed into a number value on a set scale.  These were then changed by a multiplier based on each aspect's individual importance and added together to reach a final score seen in figure 2. 

Figure 1:
A sample list of the information used for the matrix 

Figure 2:
The Excel function used to calculate the top bridges

The top five bridges based on total score are as follows:

1. 42nd Street Bridge

2. Wissahickon Memorial Bridge

3. Green Lane Bridge
Green Lane Bridge.jpg

4. Walnut Lane Bridge
walnut lane.jpg

5. Strawberry Mansion Bridge

Individual case studies of these bridges are located in the upper tool bar of this blog.

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